Get an Expert Diagnosis of Your Drain & Sewer Line Problems

When dealing with a plumbing issue, it can be challenging to identify the root cause of the problem. However, with a video camera inspection of your plumbing system, you can see in real-time what is going on. At United iG, our plumbers have extensive training and experience performing video camera inspections of sanitary sewer lines.

What Kinds of Issues Can Drain Camera Inspections Uncover?

Video camera inspections are invaluable to plumbers in diagnosing and treating plumbing issues. Not only can we trouble shoot the system, but we can also see the full extent of the plumbing issues including breaks in the piping and pipe sagging or bellies. The insight from a video camera inspection can help ensure that your problem is thoroughly resolved the first time.

With a video camera inspection of your plumbing system, we can detect:

  • Root intrusion and buildup
  • Blocked pipes
  • Corrosion and cracks
  • Sagging sewer lines and piping
  • Collapsed sewer lines and piping
  • Damaged plumbing taps

We Perform Real Estate Plumbing Inspections

If you are selling or buying a property, you will need to have the plumbing system inspected. These inspections help the buying and selling process go more smoothly.